Etiket: (install: installing IIS URL Rewrite Module…)


Failed to install (Error code 1603) Error: The installation of the package 'urlrewrite' failed with code 1603. (install: installing IIS URL Rewrite Module…)

Plesk Updatede aşağıdaki gibi bir hata alır iseniz, Failed to install 'C:\ParallelsInstaller\parallels\PANEL-WIN_12.0.18\thirdparty-msi-Windows-any-x86_64\rewrite_2.0_rtw_x64.msi': Fatal error during installation. (Error code 1603) Error: The installation of the package 'urlrewrite' failed with code 1603. (install: installing IIS URL Rewrite Module…) Not all packages were installed. Please, contact product technical support. Çözüm; C:\ParallelsInstaller\parallels\PANEL-WIN_12.0.18\thirdparty-msi-Windows-any-x86_64 rewrite_2.0_rtw_x64.msi dosyasını manuel olarak çalıştırın. rewrite modulünü yükleyinde plesk update’ini yeniden başlatınız.… Read more →